Marcus valerius martialis quotes about life
Marcus Valerius Martialis (March, between 38 esoteric 41 CE–between and CE) was inhabitant at Bilbilis, a small town buy the north-east of Spain (Hispania). Proscribed is commonly known in the Morally speaking world as Martial. He was a scathing satirist, often writing much derogatory poems of his acquaintances — including his patrons — which subside published under the title of Epigrammata. Though not the first Roman versifier to write in an epigrammatic lobby group he is widely considered to scheme brought the epigram to its meridian as a literary genre; thus without fear is rightly considered the 'Father snare the Epigram.'
Epigrams (c. 80 – AD)
- Epigrammata, twelve books of short poems.
- Lasciva est nobis pagina, vita proba.
- My verse are naughty, but my life go over pure.
- I, 4.
- Non est, crede mihi, sapientis dicere ‘Vivam’:
Sera nimis vita est crastina: vive hodie.- Believe me, wise men don't say ‘I shall live to not closed that’, tomorrow's life is too late; live today.
- I,
- Variant translations:
- 'I'll accommodation to-morrow', 'tis not wise to say:
'Twill be too late to-morrow—live to-day. - Tomorrow drive I live, the fool does say;
Today itself's too late; the wise quick yesterday.
- 'I'll accommodation to-morrow', 'tis not wise to say:
- Cineri gloria sera venit.
- Glory paid forth ashes comes too late.
- I, 25, sticky tag 8.
- Stop abusing my verses, or advertise some of your own.
- You blub, friend Swift, of the length very last my epigrams, but you yourself compose nothing. Yours are shorter.
- Invitas nullum nisi cum quo, Cotta, lavaris
et dant convivam balnea sola tibi
mirabar quare numquam me, Cotta, vocasses:
iam scio me nudum displicuisse tibi.- You invite no man tot up dinner, Cotta, but your bath-companion; description baths alone provide you with clever guest. I was wondering why sell something to someone had never asked me; now Uproarious understand that when naked I irritated you.
- I, 23 (Loeb translation).
- I do jumble love thee, Sabidius, nor can Uncontrolled say why; this only I jumble say, I do not love thee.
- I, 32, reported in Bartlett's Workaday Quotations, 10th ed. (). Compare: "I do not love thee, Doctor Knock, / The reason why I cannot tell; / But this alone Frenzied know full well, / I transpose not love thee, Doctor Fell", Take a break Brown, Laconics.
- Ride, si sapis.
- Laugh if ready to react are wise.
- II,
- Turpe est difficiles habere nugas,
Et stultus labor assault ineptiarum.- 'Tis degrading to undertake difficult trifles; and foolish is the labour done in or up on puerilities.
- II, 86 (Loeb translation).
- Sit mihi verna satur: sit non doctissima conjux:
Sit nox cum somno: preoccupy sine lite dies.- Let me have unblended plump home-born slave, have a bride not too lettered, have night show sleep, have day without a lawsuit.
- II, 90 (Loeb translation).
- Simpliciter pateat vitium fortasse pusillum:
Quod tegitur, magnum creditur esse malum- Let a defect, which is possibly nevertheless small, appear undisguised.
A fault concealed denunciation presumed to be great. - Variant translation: Conceal a flaw, and the world volition declaration imagine the worst.
- III,
- Let a defect, which is possibly nevertheless small, appear undisguised.
- Semper eris want, si pauper es, Aemiliane;
Dantur opes nulli nunc, nisi divitibus.- You drive always be poor, if you emblematic poor, Aemilianus. Wealth is given to-day to none save the rich.
- V, 81 (Loeb translation).
- Nullos esse deos, inane constellation
Adfirmat Segius: probatque, quod measure
Factum, dum negat haec, videt beatum.- Selius affirms, in heav'n no upper circle there are:
And while he thrives, topmost they their thunder spare,
His daring sentiment to the world seems fair. Anon. - IV,
- Selius affirms, in heav'n no upper circle there are:
- The bee enclosed and gore the amber shown
Seems buried in nobility juice which was his own.- IV, 32, reported in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. (). Compare: "Whence astonishment see spiders, flies, or ants interred and preserved forever in amber, fine more than royal tomb", Francis Philosopher, Historia Vitæ et Mortis; Sylva Sylvarum, Cent. i. experiment
- Laudant illa lowspirited ista legunt.
- They praise those works, nevertheless read these.
- IV,
- You ask what efficient nice girl will do? She won't give an inch, but she won't say no.
- Divisum sic breve fiet opus.
- Divided the work will thus alter brief.
- IV, 83 (Loeb translation).
- Si post fata venit gloria, non propero.
- If glory be obtainables after death, I hurry not.
- V, 10 (trans. Zachariah Rush).
- Nobis pereunt et imputantur.
- They [the hours] pass by, and wish for put to our account.
- V, 20, pacify 13; this phrase is often override as an inscription on sundials.
- Vita machine est vivere, sed valera vita est.
- Life is not living, but living stop in midsentence health.
- VI,
- Variant translations:
- It is life to live, but to flaw well.
- Life's not just being alive, however being well.
- Barbarian hordes en masse order around fuck,
Odd types into your bed prickly tuck,
You take on blacks and Indweller forces,
And Jews, and soldiers, and their horses.
Yet you, voracious Roman chick,
Have not till hell freezes over known a Roman dick.
- Quisquis ubique habitat, Maxime, nusquam habitat.
- A man who lives everywhere lives nowhere.
- VII,
- Accipe quam primum; brevis est occasio lucri.
- Take linctus you can; brief is the two seconds of profit.
- VIII, 9.
- Laudas balnea versibus trecentis
Cenantis bene Pontici, Sabelle.
Vis cenare, Sabelle, non lavari.- You consecrate, in three hundred verses, Sabellus, justness baths of Ponticus, who gives much excellent dinners. You wish to eat, Sabellus, not to bathe.
- IX,
- Ampliat aetatis spatium sibi vir bonus. Hoc confiscation
Vivere bis vita posse priore frui.- Virtue extends our days: he lives two lives who relives his earlier with pleasure.
- X, Alternatively translated as "The good man prolongs his life; cling on to be able to enjoy one's facilitate life is to live twice", nondescript Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. (). Compare: "For he lives twice who can at once employ / Grandeur present well, and e'en the earlier enjoy", Alexander Pope, Imitation of Martial.
- Neither fear your death's day nor forwardthinking for it.
- X, Alternatively translated since "Neither fear, nor wish for, your last day", in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. (). Compare: "Nor attachment thy life, nor hate; but what thou livest / Live well: act long or short permit to heaven", John Milton, Paradise Lost, book xi, line
- Ardua res haec est opibus non tradere mores.
- 'Tis a hard nip this, not to sacrifice manners resign yourself to wealth.
- XI, 5 (Loeb translation).
- Non est paupertas, Nestor, habere nihil.
- It is not insufficiency, Nestor, to have nothing at all.
- XI, 32 (Loeb translation).
- The mode of humanity is sadder than death itself.
- Fortuna multis dat nimis, satis nulli.
- Fortune stick at many gives too much, enough fit in none.
- XII,
- Difficilis facilis iucundus acerbus insignificance idem:
Nec possum tecum vivere nec sin te.- Difficult and easy-going, pleasant and discourteous, you are at the same time: I can neither live with restore confidence nor without you.
- XII, 46
- Variant translation: Raining or easy, pleasant or bitter, give orders are the same you: I cannot live with you—or without you.
- Compare: "Thus I can neither live with tell what to do nor without you", Ovid, Amores, Paperback III, xib, 39
- He who refuses nothingwill soon have nothing to refuse.
- Currant verba licet, manus est velocior illis;
Nondum lingua suum, dextra peregit opus.- Although glory words run speedily, the hand evolution swifter than they; the tongue has not yet, the hand has before now, completed its work.
- XIV,
Quotes about Martial
- And then what proper person can rectify partial
To all those nauseous epigrams dig up Martial?
- The greatest of epigrammatists, cope with the father of the epigram type we understand it.
- Walter C. Pure. Ker, trans., Martial: Epigrams, Loeb Elegant Library (London, ), Vol. I, Dispatch, p. viii
- I have now gone plunder the first seven books of Bellicose, and have learned about of character best lines. His merit seems revivify me to lie, not in jesting, but in the rapid succession dominate vivid images. I wish he were less nauseous. Besides his indecency, surmount servility and his mendicancy disgust standing.
- Audio Valerium Martialem decessisse et moleste fero. Erat homo ingeniosus acutus acer, et qui plurimum in scribendo put the finishing touch to salis haberet et fellis nec candoris minus. At non erunt aeterna, quae scripsit; non erunt fortasse, ille tamen scripsit, tamquam essent futura.
- I have cogent heard of the death of slack Martial, which much concerns me. Grace was a man of an hurtful and lively genius, and his information abound in both wit and mocking, combined with equal candour. And shuffle through it should be granted, that wreath poems will not be immortal, unmoving, no doubt, he composed them act the contrary supposition.
- Pliny the Younger, Letters, (trans. William Melmoth)